Feng Shui for enhancing productivity in the office

(Published on 19 June 2007 in 'Women at Work' - W @ W - a supplement of the Daily Mirror, Colombo, Sri Lanka)
I’ve just changed jobs. And the first thing I was told about my new boss was that he was very particular about everything in the office, being as per Feng Shui dictates. I looked around and did find that certain desks were rather strangely angled, the Accounts section was differently coloured and Feng Shui charms lay on just about everyone’s desk.
I reached office next day with a little bamboo pyramidal arrangement (called Lucky Bamboo or Dracaena) – which I placed at a predominant spot on my desk. My knowledge of Feng Shui ended there - for beyond the bamboo arrangement I had no clue of what else was good to enhance my productivity. (…and the prosperity of my boss)
Feng Shui is the art of placement and an ancient Oriental doctrine based on the principle that environmental design can change your life for the better or for the worse. Feng Shui experts believe that good Feng Shui, which is an environment that allows the free flow of energy (Chi), enhances career opportunities and attracts good business. The philosophy of Feng Shui is being incorporated into many offices to promote success, wealth, opportunities, and feeling of contentment.
Here is some Feng Shui advice for the office that will make it a more productive environment:
· Plants: Plants boost energy levels. Placing fresh flowers or a leafy plant on the left side of the desk creates good chi (energy). Putting a money tree or prosperity plant in the Southeast corner of the desk or cubicle is also beneficial. Cactuses and bonsai trees should be avoided, as the former creates difficult work relationships and the latter will stunt career growth.
· Position of desk: Where one sits and the arrangement of the office can have a huge impact on one’s workplace energy. If you want to get ahead at your job don’t sit directly in line with the door which is the path of negative energy. And never have your back to a door, as it’s from the door that business and opportunity enters. Try to sit in the corner farthest from the entrance to the room to have control and keep your back towards a corner or wall for support. If there's more than one desk, place two on a diagonal facing towards the door and any others on a diagonal facing into the centre of the room. They should not be placed in rows in a traditional classroom layout or back to back.
· Colour: Colour can play a huge role in the office environment. Colours like blues and greens are calming. Red can be an empowering colour and is great for those in business or sales. Yellow is good for people who need discipline. To incorporate colour include photos and picture frames, furniture, mouse pads, or any small items on your desk. Try to incorporate the right colours wherever you can and you'll get ahead at your job.
· Wealth Producing Objects: Different objects or symbols produce wealth. Put a fountain or a picture of a waterfall or river by the entrance to your office to facilitate a raise and to diffuse any negative energy present. A safe in the West or Northwest corner of the office will help with prosperity and financial security. A crystal ball near the phone will encourage more business calls.
The following traditional Feng Shui tips keep the positive energy flowing in the office:
Ì Differentiate between clutter and storage. Stored items should be stacked neatly so as not to hamper energy flow.
Ì Placing papers on a desktop weighted by a crystal, which is a grounding element, represents clarity.
Ì If feasible put your computer in the North or West area of your office to enhance your creativity or in the Southeast to generate income.
Ì If you face a partial wall or partition when entering an office, place a mirror on the partition. Soften jutting walls with plants and break up dull walls with mirrors or paintings.
Ì If it's time to look for new clients, add a water fountain, wind chime or a mobile. If flowing water or tinkling chimes is distractive, consider placing a picture of flowing water. Placing a picture of a lake, waterfall or any other water scene helps. Water represents energy flow. Use an aquarium if you wish.
If business isn't booming, maybe it's time to bring in a different kind of efficiency expert... Feng Shui. Creating harmony and balance in the work area can boost productivity - and the bottom line. Job contentment will follow.
Miss Know-All
I reached office next day with a little bamboo pyramidal arrangement (called Lucky Bamboo or Dracaena) – which I placed at a predominant spot on my desk. My knowledge of Feng Shui ended there - for beyond the bamboo arrangement I had no clue of what else was good to enhance my productivity. (…and the prosperity of my boss)
Feng Shui is the art of placement and an ancient Oriental doctrine based on the principle that environmental design can change your life for the better or for the worse. Feng Shui experts believe that good Feng Shui, which is an environment that allows the free flow of energy (Chi), enhances career opportunities and attracts good business. The philosophy of Feng Shui is being incorporated into many offices to promote success, wealth, opportunities, and feeling of contentment.
Here is some Feng Shui advice for the office that will make it a more productive environment:
· Plants: Plants boost energy levels. Placing fresh flowers or a leafy plant on the left side of the desk creates good chi (energy). Putting a money tree or prosperity plant in the Southeast corner of the desk or cubicle is also beneficial. Cactuses and bonsai trees should be avoided, as the former creates difficult work relationships and the latter will stunt career growth.
· Position of desk: Where one sits and the arrangement of the office can have a huge impact on one’s workplace energy. If you want to get ahead at your job don’t sit directly in line with the door which is the path of negative energy. And never have your back to a door, as it’s from the door that business and opportunity enters. Try to sit in the corner farthest from the entrance to the room to have control and keep your back towards a corner or wall for support. If there's more than one desk, place two on a diagonal facing towards the door and any others on a diagonal facing into the centre of the room. They should not be placed in rows in a traditional classroom layout or back to back.
· Colour: Colour can play a huge role in the office environment. Colours like blues and greens are calming. Red can be an empowering colour and is great for those in business or sales. Yellow is good for people who need discipline. To incorporate colour include photos and picture frames, furniture, mouse pads, or any small items on your desk. Try to incorporate the right colours wherever you can and you'll get ahead at your job.
· Wealth Producing Objects: Different objects or symbols produce wealth. Put a fountain or a picture of a waterfall or river by the entrance to your office to facilitate a raise and to diffuse any negative energy present. A safe in the West or Northwest corner of the office will help with prosperity and financial security. A crystal ball near the phone will encourage more business calls.
The following traditional Feng Shui tips keep the positive energy flowing in the office:
Ì Differentiate between clutter and storage. Stored items should be stacked neatly so as not to hamper energy flow.
Ì Placing papers on a desktop weighted by a crystal, which is a grounding element, represents clarity.
Ì If feasible put your computer in the North or West area of your office to enhance your creativity or in the Southeast to generate income.
Ì If you face a partial wall or partition when entering an office, place a mirror on the partition. Soften jutting walls with plants and break up dull walls with mirrors or paintings.
Ì If it's time to look for new clients, add a water fountain, wind chime or a mobile. If flowing water or tinkling chimes is distractive, consider placing a picture of flowing water. Placing a picture of a lake, waterfall or any other water scene helps. Water represents energy flow. Use an aquarium if you wish.
If business isn't booming, maybe it's time to bring in a different kind of efficiency expert... Feng Shui. Creating harmony and balance in the work area can boost productivity - and the bottom line. Job contentment will follow.
Miss Know-All
Labels: Feng Shui, Miss Know All, Sangeeta Rana
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