From the desk of Miss Know-All

Weekly column in The Daily Mirror, Colombo

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

De- stressing... stress busters from an expert

(Published on 27 June 2006 in 'Women at Work' - W @ W - a supplement of the Daily Mirror, Colombo, Sri Lanka)

Stress can be triggered by just about anything… I recently had the most stressful time relocating from one country to another. My nerves were frayed and I was at my nastiest best, ready to bite off the head of whoever ventured close. Like all Miss Know-All’s I am a perfectionist. And if things don’t workout the way they are planned I get worked up and depressed. But the art is in mastering stress, getting a hold on oneself and snapping out of it.

From stress busters to facial lustre, we the Miss Know-Alls have an answer for everything.

But what is stress all about? Well pets, stress triggers the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones into our blood stream. These with other stress hormones produce a number of effects on the body such as increase in heart rate, muscle tension and above all blood pressure. The digestive system too becomes sluggish resulting in retarded bowel movements. Rise in blood sugar is evident as the body tries to cope with the changes.

It is no secret that stress and aging are closely linked. Intense long-term emotional strain makes people age faster. Knowledge of how stress and aging were linked – made me sit up and take heed. Since I can’t help but get stressed about things that are beyond my control it’s time I looked at how to “De- stress”!

Ayurveda and Reflexology
There is no better way to de-stress than to take a massage. One has to learn to relax. Ayurvedic massages and medicines strengthen the mind and body. It is an old age science and applying pressure on certain pressure points of the body is known to release stress. It is not about pampering yourself – rather it is about giving your body the attention it needs. Like taking your car for regular servicing. A regular massage can do wonders.

Deep breathing
Deep breathing helps release stress and lower blood pressure. The breathing pattern in most people experiencing stress is shallow and rapid. Deep breathing helps calm the nerves and helps you to get a grip on yourself. I find it immensely helpful. Even at work – it is a good idea to step out to take in some deep breaths – rejuvenate – and then return to the problem at hand.

Spa and hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy techniques are a wonderful way to de-stress. Steam bath, circular jet and soaking in water leads to dilation of peripheral blood vessels that stimulates blood circulation and soothes the nerves. Even simply soaking in the tub for a while can do wonders to your mental state. For that matter – a shower is equally de-stressing.

Yoga and meditation
Yoga and meditation have a soothing effect on the mind and help to combat stress. Besides, just sitting quietly and reflecting clears ones thoughts and enables one to think rationally. You might choose to do this in your prayer room. I prefer sitting in the garden amongst nature. For some, vigorous exercising helps. They can just sweat their stress out off their systems.

Friends and music
Friends are the biggest source of cheer. A simple sms from a close friend or family member can spread sunshine. They make you happy when times are grey. And if nothing else works listening to your favourite kind of music helps. Lilting music soothes the nerves. But, to each his own. If you find that rock music relaxes you… go ahead - so be it.

Diet control
A diet comprising of fresh fruits and vegetables rejuvenates the body. Of course people do have ‘comfort foods.’ Foods that, they probably associate with home or their childhood. But I must admit that what works best for me is chocolate. A big bite – and I am all set to take on the world once again. The only thing better than a friend – is a friend with chocolate!

De-stress my friends – leave your stress to the winds. No worry has ever been worth spending sleepless nights over. Till we meet again… take deep breathes and solace from a big bar of chocolate.

Miss Know-All


At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

--- Forwarded message ----------
From: WOW Magazine
Date: Jun 27, 2006 3:43 PM
Subject: RE: Ms Know-All
To: Sangeeta Rana

Dear Sangeeta,

First of all I must say that I really enjoy your page very much.

I thought of writing to you after reading your article on De-stressing which appeared today.

My friend and I both thought that it would be a great idea to visit a spa (we've never been to one) to get over our stressful life, at least once in a while. We are both career women and have to attend to loads of household chores in addition to our official duties, never ending!!.

Any idea of a realiable place for us to just go and relax for a while. What would you recommend a Spa or Ayurvedic treatment?.

Please also give my regards to Sirohmi and Angela for doing a wonderful job. I really enjoy their articles as well.

Best wishes,



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